Rainy day for a Sheriff speed Painting

​These paintings are for a personal project. I should be finished with it soon and posting it.

​The first panel shows the stranger arriving into town with urgent  business  The local Sheriff is in for a hell of a story.

Nico Piano

​Here is my good friend Nico who is playing the piano with his head and foot turban. just kiddin poor guy hurt his foot......dunno why he had that on his head. Anyway i thought the drawing worked out.


final design

​here he is, i wanted him to have a kind of grin on his face. The lights around his head are just lights that confuse pray as to what they are seeing i imagine in the pitch black this thing would look like fireflies.

Quick sketches on ipad

these tiny little sketches, are just to loosen up with color. Doing these everyday with help the speed of my concept art.I do these in front of the tv, Game of Thrones or other shows and movies.

2013-04-09 08.42.34.jpg

Sci-fi ladies character design sketches

​The basic premise of this character is that she crash lands on this strange planet and these stranger monsters try to  kill her as she desperately tries to fix her ship. I already know which one i am going to develop further :) maybe two.

​the idea was to play with how much gear was she going to have

mobster character design

​again trying to loosen up and use my drawing style a little more obviously. I draw a lot  better then i can paint. Here I wanted a big guy who doesn't look to bright. I was not sure if i wanted to favor square shapes or round ones. I know where i am going to go from here.
